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Where is Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s corporate headquarters?
The headquarters for Hanover Bancorp, Inc. is located at 80 East Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY 11501. We can be reached by calling (516) 548-8500 or by email at
Where is the Company incorporated?
The Company is incorporated in New York.
When did Hanover Bancorp, Inc. go public? What was the price?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc. priced its initial public offering of common stock at a public offering price of $21.00 per share in May 2022.
What is Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s fiscal year?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc. operates its fiscal year from October 1 through September 30.
How is Hanover Bancorp, Inc. stock traded?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc. is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the stock symbol HNVR.
Does Hanover Bancorp, Inc. pay dividends?
Yes, Hanover Bancorp, Inc. currently pays a cash dividend. The amount and timing of payment of any future cash dividends will be determined by the Board based on conditions at that time.
What is the current dividend rate for Hanover Bancorp, Inc. common stock?
The current quarterly dividend rate is $0.10 per share.
Does Hanover Bancorp, Inc. offer Direct Deposit of dividends?
Yes, direct deposit of dividends is available through Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s transfer agent, Computershare.
Does Hanover Bancorp, Inc. have a dividend reinvestment plan and how can I participate?
No, Hanover Bancorp, Inc. does not currently have a dividend reinvestment plan.
When are dividends usually paid?
Cash dividends are usually paid in February, May, August and November. The amount and timing of payment of any future cash dividends will be determined by the Board based on conditions at that time.
Who is Hanover Bancorp, Inc.'s transfer agent?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s transfer agent is Computershare.
Who do I contact with questions about my stock?
Any questions can be sent via email to or Computershare Shareholder Services at 1.800.368.5948 or
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
Please contact Computershare Shareholder Services at 1.800.368.5948 or via email at
Who is Hanover Bancorp, Inc.'s auditor?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s auditor is Crowe, LLP.
How many Hanover Bancorp, Inc. locations are there?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc. currently has nine (9) branch locations.
Where can I find out more about Hanover Bancorp, Inc.?
Visiting and navigating to the IR pages will give you more information about Hanover Bancorp, Inc. Hanover also files current and periodic reports with the SEC – go to the SEC’s home page at
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Latest news and financial reports can be accessed by visiting and navigating to the IR page or by clicking on this link - Hanover Bancorp, Inc. News & Reports. Hanover also files current and periodic reports with the SEC – go to the SEC’s home page at
How can I view documents Hanover Bancorp, Inc. has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Documents Hanover Bancorp, Inc. has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q can be accessed by visiting and navigating to the IR page.
Who makes up the Hanover Bancorp, Inc. Executive Management Team and Board of Directors?
Hanover Bancorp, Inc.’s Executive Management Team and Board of Directors can be viewed by accessing these links – Executive Management and/or Board of Directors
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Any questions can be sent via email to or Computershare Shareholder Services at 1.800.368.5948 or
What analysts cover Hanover Bancorp, Inc. at this current time?
Presently Mark Fitzgibbon of Piper Sandler & Co., and Matt Breese of Stephens Inc., cover Hanover Bancorp, Inc.
How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
A copy of the annual report and proxy can be obtained by visiting and navigating to the IR page or by clicking on this link - Hanover Bancorp, Inc. Reports.